There is an angel there hidden deep within. A Garuda carrying humans being from the earth's "deep zone" toward ecological safeties on shore. Some plunged into an ocean of emotions, some swam alongside another. We came from the dark side of the sun, where our dwellings were hidden from sight. Some have been among these noble guides.Like my brother Marien.Let us be sure to remember. Remember to remember, we ought to remind one another. That we should rise renewed, like a fenix from solarflares. Then return as stardust one day too, to our common universal Creator.
The family we belong to, our spiritual community, a global community of sustainable world citizens, building earthships as our farewell abodes. A healing touch we bring about, Peace unutterable, Beauty like wisdom spelled from "lucky lips", passing on Joy, Freedom, Love maybe. That is why we called our foundation a "Home in Buddhahood". Let us build,bare witness to this home of "wisdom wild" and "flower power" so when the day will come, the ones having looked into our eyes and seen the reflections of ones own soul within, will say: He touched the earth once more...oh so gently like a small breeze, the wind a whoosh, the fragrance mysteriously sweet, hardly noticeable this whim, the dessert sound. But He did. She did too. Don't forget.
We do.
Reinoud Kempen-Onizuka
''A vision not shared, is a life not lived, a dream untold, unheard of''
Wild Wisdom and the Strength to Bring Positive Affirmative Peace to Our World
Stichting "Aymon"
Postbox 56891
1040AW Amsterdam
The netherlands
RSIN :859960365
(rechtspersonen samenwerkingsverbanden informatie nummer)
Tel : 0031641628428